Guaranteed rent is a great way to secure a fixed monthly income from your rental property in Redbridge.
When you sign up for a guaranteed rent contract, the letting agents (that’s us!) become your tenants. Then, the property is sublet to the tenants that will actually live there. Because it is the letting agents that sign the rental contract, it’s the letting agents that are responsible for the rent.
That means that even if the property is empty, you will still receive your monthly rent from the letting agents.
Along with the fixed rental income, there are numerous other benefits to guaranteed rent in Redbridge. These include:
There are many more benefits to guaranteed rent in Redbridge. If you want to find out more about these, just get in touch with our letting agents who will happily share details.
Guaranteed rent in Redbridge is a great way to strengthen your property portfolio, protecting it from quiet spells and empty periods. Whether you have a large portfolio or a single property, guaranteed rent can be a great solution.
To find out more about guaranteed rent at Sparemove, just get in touch or use our rent calculator for a free valuation.
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